
Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The end of illegal peer to peer file sharing

A Finland-based company called Viralg claims that its technology could stomp out 99% of illegal file sharing on P2P networks. They are not one bit hesitant to say they are the best and the only real solution to the problem faced by the entertainment industry. Their "overwrite" technology apparently can mix-up and corrupt files on P2P networks. Similar services make the same claims but all they really do is spread corrupt files around the network, a practice that can be beaten with verification sites.

However Viralg claims that their technology can beat the verification sites problem. Viralg explained to how this is possible. "We make viable non-working file with a working file hash, so when someone tries to download a working file he/she will receive a random mix of working and non working file. The final content depends on many things (bandwidth, sources etc.)" they said. "Simply, we can deliver corrupted content with the same hashcode".

They claim they can corrupt files on many P2P networks including some newer networks like Ares Galaxy. Also they have already got some strong support behind them. BMG Finland is already praising the company having already worked with them and seen positive results. BMG Finland became the market leader in domestic music in the past 12 months. Their market position increased from 15% to 25% and they believe its because of Viralg. Now Viralg is looking for more customers. Seems like a pretty powerful weapon for the entertainment industry. The coming months will be interesting.

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